Our Services

Physical Therapist with patient assisting workout

Exercise Prescription

Specific movements you need to improve your strength, control, and mobility to reach optimal positioning for function and performance with decreased pain. Exercise is medicine.

Physical Therapist with patient assisting with massage

Manual Therapy

Hands on techniques to improve your joint mobility, soft
tissue flexibility, and improve pain to get you back to

Physical Therapist patient with technology

Dry Needling

The use of small, non-medicated needles to help improve
tissue extensibility, blood flow and decrease

Physical Therapist patient

Myofascial Decompression

We incorporate cupping therapy (myofascial decompression)
to achieve efficiency of motion by improving tissue mobility and
blood flow to local tissue.

Physical Therapist with patient helping train cardio

Performance Analysis

From running analysis, lifting technique, performance coaching, and much more. We offer a unique skill set of combining medical knowledge with high level performance coaching to meet the needs of your sport or
movement practice.

What Our Client Say

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    Physical Therapist tri pane of work